Sunday 26 October 2014

All YOUR money are belong to US...................from Rico

When 'Hillary the Red' recently said "Don't let anybody tell you it's corporations and businesses create jobs" she was defaulting to her long-held, and previously stated, Marxist beliefs. She has in past said "We can't afford to have that money go to the private sector. The money has to go to the federal government because the federal government will spend that money better than the private sector will spend it."


Sure, it's hard to argue the demonstrated and proven track record of the government's prudent money spending.
- Drunken sailors on shore liberty are paragons of restraint and good judgement in comparison. Mere amateurs. Kindergarteners.

And, the fantastic job they have done securing the borders, making everyone 'safer' and dealing with ebola is merely icing on the cake.

It is NOT difficult to imagine 'Stalin-in-a-skirt' Hillary as pResident confiscating ALL private wealth because she and her centrally-planned government so obviously know better how to spend everyone's money better than they themselves do.

Her campaign slogan "Ready for Hillary" translates into BOHICA (bend over, here it comes again).

1 comment:

Jamie NZ said...

Solid gold!