Sunday 19 October 2014

It's The Stupidity, Stupid

Every morning I drink my first cup of coffee as I peruse the news from the major outlets here and around the world. As you might expect there are very few lead stories right now that are not Ebola related, so much so that it would be very easy to reach Ebola burnout if the situation wasn’t so serious. In my efforts to become informed on the subject, I have learned that Ebola is a very dangerous disease that is much more easily transmittable than we have been led to believe, and I have reached the conclusion that it is not the most serious threat our nation faces.

Please don’t misunderstand, I recognize the dangers posed by this disease, probably better than some of the people who are responsible for protecting us from it; but after a couple of weeks of watching this situation needlessly spiral out of control, it has become obvious that stupidity is more of a problem than the Ebola virus itself.                
(continue reading)

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