Saturday 18 October 2014

Prepping on a budget

Photo by  Tim Patterson, courtesy of Flickr

Based on what we see on our end, people are really taking to the idea of making sure you and your family are safe from any potential threat that Ebola may pose. Frankly, that's just smart thinking.

However, maybe all this has you thinking about other potential problems. From hurricanes to a massive EMP frying out the power grid, there are a lot of things people can do to prepare. Or, is there?

Shows like Doomsday Preppers shows people who have spent a lot of money getting ready for whatever event they are preparing for. It's important to understand that these good folks have often spent years putting those preps together. They're not a fair metric of where to start.

If you're like the average American, you probably on some kind of budget. How do you prep with limited funds?

(continue reading)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knowing which of your neighbors will be easiest to take out when/if the feces hits the oscillator isn't valid?