Sunday 16 November 2014

How Hard is This To Understand?

When I write about the issues of the day, I try to be plain spoken yet civil in my tone, but there are days when I really want to slap people around and scream “Why are you so stupid?” in their faces. This is one of those days. Christian students at Pine Creek High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado have been told they can no longer meet to pray and sing hymns during their free time because it violates the Constitution. Yes that’s right, apparently they were in violation of Article VIII, Section 1, otherwise known as the Singing and Praying clause of the Constitution. As a Christian I try (and frequently fail) to emulate Christ, but I have recently been reminded that turning over tables and driving people out with a whip falls into the realm of possibilities.      (continue reading)

1 comment:

R Neal said...

Thank you for enlightening me to these so called "EDUCATORS".