Sunday 30 November 2014

Oil is the Canary?..................from Rico

Is OIL the canary in the economic coal mine once again?

Remember what happened right after the price of oil collapsed in 2007-2008?
- Some very smart observers think it was the precursor to the last financial crash. A tell-tale indicator.

Look at what is happening t the price of oil today.
- Is this an indicator again of another financial crash?

With a market priced at roughly twice its value, and all official 'numbers' so manipulated and fraudulent as to be useless, what could go wrong

1 comment:

Mark said...

I think what we are seeing is a confluence of two political agendas
1) The west needs to drive down the price of oil to bite into Putin's war chest.

2) The Saudis and the rest of OPEC need oil to be cheap enough so that that extracting oil and natural gas in North America becomes uneconomical.

3) Throw in the need to make trouble for Iran and it's a trifecta for most OPEC nations. Bite the bullet now, have bigger profits later.