Wednesday 31 December 2014

Chicago. Communists. Again....................from Rico

I suppose some have figured-out that De Blasio (not his birth name, he's changed it a few times) the Mayor of New York and huge fan-boy of race-hustler Al "Tawana" Sharpton the acting Vice-Mayor of NYC, is a Communist.
- That Sharpton is a racist goes without saying.

The combined policies of these RCS (Racist Communist Shitheads) and their attitude towards the police dovetails neatly into black racism and red Communism.
- It has consequences, however. The NYPD has literally and figuratively turned its back to them both.

The FTP (fuck the police) movement which started in Ferguson and is now nation-wide, is being $upported and organized by the Chicago-based RCP (Revolutionary Communist Party) which is Maoist-Stalinist.
- You won't see it mentioned in the agenda-driven US media, but it is reported in the Canadian press which still follows journalistic standards and has not been coopted by a "progressive" (Communist) leaning like their former colleagues in the USSA have.

Speaking of "agendas" here...this all suits their purpose nicely. Connect some dots.
- St Trayvon of Skittles was a pilot program and test case for the DOJ and Race-Pimps to make "something" out of nothing.
- That was the template for creating a fake "race problem" and police problem" in Ferguson using a black thug (with manslaughter on his juvenile rap sheet) anointed "Gentle Giant" St. Swisher of Sweets that was dumb enough to go after an armed cop (because he thought he could get away with it...thanks Barry and Eric dickHolder) as a modern day Horst Wessel.
- Foment protests and civil disturbances nationwide and create the FTP movement (which is actually a BWOP - Black War On Police).
- The GOAL is to "fix" a manufactured problem by creating a NATIONAL POLICE FORCE. Bigger government, more power, and more CONTROL.

Think about it for a moment.
- TSA sure improved airport security and made us all safer right?
- Who would have believed that GM would become Government Motors?
- Or that the government would take-over private healthcare via ObamaCare?
- The NEXT step is to replace local cops (your neighbors) with Government cops. Yeah, a federal Gestapo and/or STASI under DOJ or DHS will "fix" everything and make it all better..........just ask the East Germans under Communism how that worked out for them.

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