Friday 5 December 2014

The __________​_____ way.........................from Rico

Some years ago, I was visiting Red China. The topic of Tibet came up in conversation, and the (very brainwashed) Chinese I was with were full of sympathy for the Tibetans.
- The gist of their remarks went to the effect: "How would they live, how could they possibly manage their lives, without the great benefits of Communist Chinese culture and society? The poor backward devils. We're doing them a favor."

I've called this 'the Communist way' ever since.
- Even if you don't want their 'help' they're gonna save you from yourself anyway.

Pity the poor cowboy. How could he live, and manage his life without the great benefits of "progressive" culture and society? Poor backward devil. Imagine living 'the cowboy way' and saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and keeping your word...and expecting no less from others.
- Grubers would have been introduced to Mr. Tar, Miss Feathers, and maybe even Mrs Rail. 'The Gruber way' would never have been tolerated.

It's sure a good thing Americans today have come to believe they cannot survive without the government, and the benefits of collectivist culture and society. They want to be 'helped' and many of them are probably ready for Hillary with their hands outstretched already.
- Just call this 'the EBT way' and know them for the pathetic wretches they have become......

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