Friday 12 December 2014

Worse than the last time....................from Rico

Despite all the propaganda and lies, many are figuring out that US inflation is running about 10% and unemployment about 23%.
- Food stamps make the breadlines invisible.

The US economy, that of the UK, and of Europe are actually in WORSE shape today than back in the Great Depression.
- The central bankers and politicians are at great pains to avoid saying this.

Look for yourself at the accomplishment of the FED for example...they have reduced the volume of money to a level BELOW that of the Great Depression.
- So much for the economic wisdom emanating from the halls of macadamia or the Eccles building.

Politicians, bankers, and bureauRats who produce nothing of value parasitically choke the productive through taxation and regulation.
- In the end, bankrupt systems feed off their hosts and all perish.

It might be a good idea to have a plan for "the day after"......

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