Monday 23 February 2015

Authorities Fear For Girls Joining ISIS But Not For The Raped Of Rotherham..........From Daniel Thomas

Before the news that three British school girls have run away from home to become so called 'jihadi brides' joins Charlie Hebdo in yesterday's news file, it's worth looking at the issue and the resultant conclusions in closer detail.

These fifteen and sixteen year old girls, described as Bangladeshi-British, were supposedly intelligent, straight-A students who attended a school that provided an exceptional learning experience. This learning experience included the teaching of British values among which were democracy, tolerance and respect, particularly respect for other cultures.

Among other conclusions, this issue brings two immediately to mind:

Firstly it proves that this kind of contrived teaching is ineffective, designed more to make the government's 'progressive' educationalists relevant and the teaching unions feel good about themselves. This is opposed to effectively countering the radicalisation that is freely available in Great Britain's multitude of mosques, madrassas and over the Internet.

Secondly it blows President Obama's conclusion that radicalisation is caused by lack of opportunity and jobs, clean out of the water.

The reaction of politicians and their establishment, including the police, to these highly motivated young girls who are taking the initiative and fulfilling their destiny, is very revealing indeed.

Prime Minister David Cameron is quoted as saying that he is "deeply concerned and our authorities will do everything we can to help these girls".

It would appear that the Prime Ministers' concern for the welfare of young girls is highly selective. After facilitating decades of rape and horrific sexual abuse of under age white girls by Muslim grooming gangs in many of Great Britain's towns and cities, fourteen hundred in the town of Rotherham alone, no politician or establishment member has been prosecuted to date.

On the contrary, Senior officers of both Oxfordshire Council and the Thames Valley police refused to resign over their acceptance of child rape and both have been lucratively rewarded by the establishment.

Despite catastrophic failings by Oxfordshire County Council and the Thames Valley Police, former Council leader Joanna Simon gets a whopping $960k payoff while top cop Sarah Thornton takes over the National Police Chiefs Council on an eye watering $296k per annum.

While these three teenage girls willingly follow their dreams in the Middle East, some forty thousand unwilling underage victims of rape have received no justice for their ruined lives in Great Britain.

David Cameron expresses his 'deep concern' for these three volunteers, while underage white girls are still being groomed, raped and sexually abused in Rotherham to this day unhindered by him or the political class and their establishment.

The selective soundbites of concern for the three jihadi brides flows from the lips of the establishment like the tears of the raped and abused children of Rotherham.

In an echo of Cameron's 'deep concern', Muzzurut Zia from the Muslim Women's Network UK is 'gravely concerned' while police 'fear for' the girls.

In a statement deliberately designed to deflect reality, the Labour MP and member of the Home Affairs Committee, Yasmin Qureshi, believes that "it needs explaining that ISIS are not following the Koran" when quite obviously ISIS are doing just that and to the letter.

In an example of jaw dropping ignorance and to exonerate themselves from any blame, Members of Parliament have pulled their usual trick of calling for an inquiry, this time into the effectiveness of border controls.

There is no need for an inquiry, it ranks alongside the Titanic as one of Great Britain's historical disasters that border controls were deliberately dismantled by the Blair administration in 1997 to facilitate their mass immigration policy. Exit controls were abolished at the same time in order to make counting of immigrant numbers impossible.

Cameron's administration promised to re-instate these vital border controls when taking office almost five years ago but this went the way of all Cameron's promises, cast iron or not. His promise that earned him accolades in the global media, including Fox News, to cancel the passports of Muslims going abroad to fight jihad has been quietly dropped as we all knew it would be.

The carefully crafted image of young, impressionable, naive schoolgirls being seduced by Internet radicals into becoming ISIS brides gives the impression that they are comparable with pubescent girls skipping school to attend a Justin Bieber concert. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Terrorist police admit that educated British women are revered by ISIS, thus becoming members of the all female police force known as the al-Khansa Brigade. These 'young ladies' enforce ISIS's hard line rules with lashings, beatings and executions. Along with every other soul on the planet these girls know exactly what ISIS are about along with their aims and their methods.

Despite the fact that they were born and raised in Great Britain, attended the same schools as indigenous British kids, watched the BBC, used the NHS and played the same games in the school yard, they despise the British people and reject their culture along with the traditional British way of life.

These girls, and every other Muslim that has rejected all they have learned during their upbringing in Great Britain, do not belong on the Sceptred Isle and they should be allowed, even encouraged, to leave for their beloved shariah controlled Caliphate.

They will never integrate or accept any culture or religion outside their own therefore they will always remain a threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no matter how many of their demands are met or what concessions to their way of life are given.


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