Our Bankster friends were "naked short" and issued 10 million paper oz. of Gold and almost 700 million paper oz. of Silver going into Friday's monster RAID when they hit the COMEX with massive 'sell orders' to drive the prices down.

They do what they want to because there is no one left to 'call' them on it.
- Congress is corrupt and servile, and interested in lining their own pockets.
- The Executive is unable and unwilling to govern, with tee times and golf the main preoccupation.
- The Wall Street Banks own them both, and have captured any regulatory mechanisms that used to exist. So, they can be as careless and blatant as they want to be. They could care less.
And so long as this provides 'cover' for the FED and makes the Dollar look strong instead of weak, so could the FED care less.

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