Sunday 15 February 2015

Say what?.....................from Rico

EVERY Central Bank is buying Gold...except the FED.
Every nation is debasing its currency to stay afloat, including the FED.
NIRP (negative interest rate policy) has come to EUrope. This does several things:
- It makes Gold more attractive than most other assets.
- It demonstrates that NIRP doesn't blow the financial system up (at least not right away).
- It means NIRP will now follow ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) in the USA.
China, Russia, and Iran are ready to back their currencies with Gold.
The CME's COMEX is about ready to collapse under its own paper fraud.
For anyone who relies upon MSNBC or any of the FTV shills read: this spells doomsday for the financial system as we know it.

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