The Telegraph reports "The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever."
Meteorologist Anthony Watts of "adjusted" U.S. temperature data: "In the business and trading world, people go to jail for such manipulations of data."
Doubt this?
- These are headline slugs on DRUDGE today.
I think Steve Forbes says it best, when he calls the scam "socialism in drag."
- Socialists have to lie, to rewrite history, and bully to impose what others see as an obviously false premise. "For their own good" of course.
When the Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of their false ideology, it seems all the "reds" went "green" to continue to further their agenda...
MORE government control, and less individual freedom.
- And the "progressive" conmen [read: Democrats (C)] like Al Gore (heir to the Occidental Petroleum [ticker: OXY] fortune) went happily along using the opportunity to line their own pockets.

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