By Alan Caruba
It is one of the great mysteries. How
does Barack Obama continue to generate job approval ratings that say he’s doing
a good one?

Of course, Bush and Clinton were
President at different times dealing with different factors but metaphorically
Obama’s ratings suggest that close to half of the voters polled still thought he
was doing a good job or, at the very least, not a bad
Are the voters that are being polled
simply not paying that much attention to the White House and its occupant?
Consider some aspects of his record in
office to date:
As 2014 came to a close, Tyler
Durden, writing on Zero Hedge, addressed the U.S. debt, noting that it had
“just hit a new historic level…which also means that total U.S. debt had
increased by 70% under Obama, from $10.625 trillion on January 21, 2009 to
$18.005 trillion most recently.”
The level of debt led to the first
downgrade of the U.S. credit rating in the nation’s history. At the same time
federal spending (25% of Gross Domestic Product) was the highest since World War
Obama has presided over a terrible
economy for the past six years and, while other Presidents came into office
facing a comparable recession, Obama’s failed policies turned it into the Great
Recession. Employment sank to the lowest since 1983 at 58.1% of the working
population and long-term unemployment (45.9%) was the highest since the
One might think that so many people
either out of work or who had given up seeking it would be unhappy enough to
credit Obama with the economy’s sluggish state. He is currently taking credit
for any improvement, but much of it is attributable to the energy sector and he
has taken steps to harm it since 2009 with “a war on coal”, restricting any
exploration or drilling for oil and natural gas on federal lands, and most
recently, attempting to put one of the most energy-rich regions of Alaska
off-limits to any access.
As we begin to work on our tax
returns, it’s worth noting that only 49% of taxpayers will be paying an income
tax, the lowest level in the modern era and, predictably, government dependency
(47%), defined as the percentage of people receiving one or more federal benefit
payments, is now the highest in American history.
There was a time when being on welfare
was something people tried to avoid. That suggests that something has changed in
the American character, but we know that all too well as we watch our society
accept a range of conduct that includes demands for same-sex marriages,
legalization of marijuana, a growing population of single-parent families,
attacks on the saying of prayers at public ceremonies, hostility to the police
who protect us, and a host of other behaviors that undermine the moral values
that previous generations of Americans passed on to their
Another mystery is the way facts about
Obama seem to stir so little interest. He allegedly has a Social Security number
from a state in which he has never lived. Many of the records of his life that
other Presidents have made public have been kept sealed from examination. A
birth certificate has been deemed a forgery by document experts. Whole books
have been devoted to the disparities between his two memoirs and facts that have
raised many questions.
At the least, one might assume that
Americans know that he lies all the time. The typical television news program
includes video of something he said previously that clashes with whatever his
recent version is. Why would voters grant a 50% approval rating to someone who
so consistently lies to them?
The fact is that his namesake
legislation—ObamaCare—has been a disaster from the day it was passed. It was
sold to the public with a series of outrageous lies told by the President.
Passage was based solely on the votes of a Democratic Party that controlled
Congress but the recent election did shift control of Congress to the GOP, so
the voter’s actions do speak louder than words.
The then-Speaker of the House, Nancy
Pelosi, summed it up saying they had to pass the 2,000-plus page monster “in
order to find out what’s in it.” That is not how government is supposed to
function, but worst of all, ObamaCare requires Americans to purchase a product,
health insurance, they may not want or may not need. That is a lot closer to a
dictatorship than a democracy.
How many scandals have occurred during
the President’s six years in office? The short answer is “too many”; the most
recent being the exchange of five Taliban generals for one American soldier
deemed by those with whom he served to have deserted his unit. In the same
fashion it has taken months to pry information from the White House about the
Benghazi attack that took the life of a U.S. ambassador and three others. As is
frequently the case, it is the cover-up that rivals the
In the end, one must conclude that
Obama’s job performance approval ratings say as much about the mood and outlook
of the voters who were polled as the facts cited above would suggest. A lot of
Americans continue to express their anger and frustration with Obama, myself
included, but that is not showing up in the ratings that suggest that a least
half the voters think he’s doing, if not a great job, at least a good
© Alan Caruba, 2015
Answer: soft bigotry of low expectations, aka 'white guilt.'
Perhaps they are very specific where and who they ask.
Surveys are verbal and don't mean much. Actions say a lot more and actions show that he isn't very popular.
I believe you will find that a large percentage of those thinking the Muslim in Chief is doing a "good job" are hive dwellers. They live where they do because they LUVS them some Big Government. The pResident is their ideal "leader". And do note that those hive dwellers are not necessarily from the Blue hives. Rove Republicans from the Red hives LUVS them some Big Government as well. The only difference between the two parties is whose cronies get to slop at the government trough when THEY are in charge.
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