Wednesday 18 March 2015

A Good Day at the Office....................from Dan Friedman

Obama had an enormous amount invested in Israel’s election - just the sums he spent to scuttle BB’s speech are mindboggling - and it turned out that he and his party lost it all. I’d never underestimate BHO’s capacity to dust himself off and spit his venom again, but this could be the failure that finally takes the wind out of his sails – at home and abroad.
Another big loser is the left/liberal USA Jewish community who seem to be stuck on stupid. Their intellectual leaders like T. Friedman, Goldberg and Beinart can be expected to sound contrite for awhile, even Zionist, but that’s just an act of self-preservation. A writer’s greatest fear is to become “irrelevant.” But their equanimity won’t last long and in good time they’ll be hysterical and predicting disaster again.
I’ve said all along the gap between America’s secularist Jews and Israel is getting wider on all the issues that count - and that’s a good thing not a bad thing. Israel is destined to lead the Jewish world, where the final judgments on what is kosher are made, and American Jews need to catch up or be left behind at the pier.

P.S. Latest word has BB increasing his mandates and building his lead against the pathetic Obama-supported Israeli Left.
NYT eat your heart out!

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