Sunday 29 March 2015

A Uniter.......................from Rico

Remember Barry saying he'd be "a uniter, not a divider?"
- Well, if not you could be forgiven. He talks a lot, and like most "talkers" he confuses 'talking' with 'doing' (as do his man listeners)...and his being a chronic liar, constantly talking out of both sides of his mouth, does add to the confusion.
Well "aloha snackbar" all y'awl!
The Sunni Arab world must be more 'nuanced' than the Western Progressive Media is, since they have figured-out Barry's game which is to be cozy with Shiite Iran and enable their push to dominate the Islamic world (for starters).
- Another brilliant bit of Foreign Policy by Barry "closet Muslim-boy pitting" the bad guys against the bad guys that says if you LIKED Arab Spring you'll LOVE Arab Winter!.
The Sunni Muslims have agreed to form a Joint Military Force, proving that Barry IS a uniter.....just of Muslims, not anybody else.
Former US Ambassador to Libya Stevens could not be reached for comment.

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