Wednesday 8 April 2015

Introducing Spot..................

Spot is a four-legged robot designed for indoor and outdoor operation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. Spot has a sensor head that helps it navigate and negotiate rough terrain. Spot weighs about 160 lbs.

H/T 45 Govt


Anonymous said...

Still did not like it when they kicked the robot. They could have broke some wiring or bent something.
Very neat all those robots.

EricF said...

Imagine Spot after 50-100 years of updates with superintelligence and weapons.

Bill said...

Read Ray Bradbury's novel from the 50s, Fahrenheit 451. Therein read about the "firehall dog" a robot that could sniff out libraries and chase down bookworms and inject them with lethal quantities of Novocain.

Fiftyville said...

Holt smoke! One is bad enough, but the sight of two of them jogging along together strikes me as being the precursor of an electronic Wolfpack.