Friday 3 April 2015

Spoiler Alert! The End of the "Iranian Crisis"..................from Dan Friedman

WARNING:  Lets stop fooling ourselves.  Netanyahu will continue to dance with his shadow and eventually will tell us that "we have to learn to live with a nuclear Iran".  Because "the world" failed....
[I am afraid the Israeli who wrote that to me is right on the money (and not for the first time). All of us on the outside have been playing our part in “Waiting For Godot,” starring that Oscar-winning actor Benjamin Netanyahu and a cast of thousands. We have been made fools by the playwrights of this absurdist drama, who’ve been kind enough to write us a happy ending. Iran will have its nukes and Israel will have a much larger defense industry! Win-win like every fairytale. df]
Chag Pesach Sameach

1 comment:

TheBigHenry said...

What exactly would you have Netanyahu do instead? Nuke Iran? Nuke the U.S.? Nuke them both? Nuke every other country?

What the f*ck do you suggest he do?