Friday 1 May 2015

Libyan Exodus - The End Of Civilisation Is No Exaggeration..................From Daniel Thomas

On the face of it the new Common European Asylum System recently imposed upon the peoples of Europe seems like a compassionate measure designed to make it easier for those fleeing persecution from war torn Libya to escape to Europe without the risk of drowning in the Mediterranean Sea.

Italy being the nearest landfall is bearing the brunt of the exodus and it is claimed that this measure is designed to spread the burden among all the member states.

The peoples of Europe should know by now that the unelected elite that run the European Union don't do compassion, or anything else for that matter, unless it progresses their decades long project to replace the nation states of Europe with a single federal state.

The crowning glory for these unelected bureaucrats was the Lisbon Treaty; this was the final instrument in a series of treaties that made the EU a legal entity. It now has all the attributes of an independent nation state, including a national anthem, a currency, a diplomatic service, an army, a legal system etc.

The only thing it lacks to make it complete as a distinct nation is a generic European citizen. This will be impossible to construct with twenty seven different national identities which have evolved and entrenched themselves over two millennia. As a consequence these national identities must first be destroyed before a European citizen can be created; one which will be loyal to the United States of Europe as opposed to the former individual nation states.

The various cultures of the nation states are all based upon their Judeo-Christian heritage; this is being systematically destroyed and replaced by a mythical 'multi-cultural society' and it is upon this myth that the new European citizen will be based.

This is typical of the ideological nonsense with which the 'progressive' elite indulge themselves; we know from experience that in practice the 'multi-cultural society' consists of a series of semi-autonomous, mono-cultural ghettos, often financed by welfare entitlements and often rife with violent crime. It is nothing less than a modern form of apartheid where different ethnic groups maintain their individual native cultures and practices regardless of their compatibility with the host country.

In effect many immigrant communities have recreated their home country in Great Britain with a British passport and an entitlement to welfare benefits being the only things they have in common with the indigenous population.

This cultural replacement project was originally being achieved by dismantling border controls within the EU but as usual this was ill thought out and only succeeded in the transfer of peoples from the poor states of Europe to the more prosperous. In other words, all that was being achieved was nationality relocation as opposed to cultural replacement.

In order to speed up the cultural replacement agenda all borders were thrown open to all and sundry, including the third world, while any objections raised by the indigenous people were quashed with intimidation, smear and threats of prosecution.

After almost two decades of open border mass immigration the cultural replacement agenda in Great Britain has almost reached the tipping point whereby any action, no matter how draconian, will not halt or reverse the process.

Already the indigenous people with a Judeo-Christian heritage are a minority in many of Great Britain's major cities and some demographers predict that they will become a minority countrywide as early as 2030 and by 2050 at the very latest.

A recent report by the Henry Jackson Society has highlighted the fact that Muslims could decide the outcome of twenty five percent of all constituencies on account that their numbers are now larger than the margin of victory in the previous general election. In fifty one marginal constituencies Hindus could decide and fifteen where Buddhists could decide.

The Common European Asylum System surrenders what little control the British government had left  over its borders to the EU bureaucrats who have determined that the end of Great Britain's unique Anglo-Saxon-Celtic culture is an absolute priority if a generic European citizen is to become a reality.

Anyone with an iota of intelligence will know that when the EU bureaucrats talk about spreading the burden of asylum seekers across the EU they don't mean the poorer countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, the Baltic states, Poland or the recently bankrupt countries such as Greece, Ireland, Spain or Portugal.

These countries are facing an outward migration of their own citizens as things currently stand. They mean Great Britain, Scandinavia and the more prosperous countries. They are also well aware that once legalised anywhere in the EU these migrants will make their way to Great Britain as their country of choice.

The British government and the political elite are fully on board with "ever closer union" toward a single European state and they are fully complying with the cultural replacement agenda. Ancient rights such as freedom of speech are being sacrificed in order to protect various ethnic groups and impose 'multi-culturalism' on the British people who didn't ask for it, weren't consulted and by all accounts don't want it.

The current Home Secretary, Theresa May intends to make any confrontation with the adherents of Islam a hate crime +1, while the Labour Party leader, Red Ed Miliband intends to make so called 'Islamophobia' illegal.

In the meantime British documented Muslim terrorists, both male and female, are joining the blood soaked rampage through the Middle East with ISIS in ever increasing numbers and young under age white girls are being groomed and raped by Muslim paedophile gangs with little or no comment from either Ms May or Red Ed.

The standards of civilization which evolved over centuries are being eroded away by open border mass immigration and the governments refusal to ensure that incomers are compatible and willing to integrate into the British way of life.
On top of the already unsustainable numbers of migrants entering Great Britain every year, the current exodus of North African and Middle Eastern refugees into Europe provides an ideal opportunity for the EU bureaucrats to use faux compassion in order to dump tens of thousands more incompatible third world migrants into Great Britain. This will push cultural replacement passed the tipping point from which there will be no return and the end of civilization as we know it will follow.




Anonymous said...

This comment will be anonymous.
As cultural replacement occurs, there isn't just a shift in constituencies. There's a shift in government services.
To encourage "diversity", governments create policies to spread migrants throughout society.
Imagine, if you will, government programs to encourage third world migrants to attend a U.S. law schools. Imagine the schools falling over themselves to accept third world Muslim students. Then, imagine how limited the market is for Muslim lawyers with third world Islamic sensibilities. That Muslim lawyer will find open arms await him or her with federal or state agencies seeking to "diversify" their ranks.
Now imagine having to regularly appear before an administrative hearings officer who was born and raised in a third world country as a devout Muslim, on matters involving critical benefits and services needed by your clients, non-Muslim men and women. What do you think that's like? Do you think your clients receive the due process protections other hearings officers provide?
And, in law, do you have any idea how much discretion a hearings official has? Or how difficult it is to overturn an adverse decision rendered by an administrative hearings official? In law, there's been decades of presumptions by appellate courts that administrative hearings officials are experts in their fields who genuinely rule in a benevolent manner and thus, there are presumptions of adequate due process and rational decision making. Now imagine how a hearings officer who applies his own standards of right and wrong can upset traditional administrative process. Imagine a hearings officer whose third world sensibilities, hardened by his "religion", can cause havoc.
This is my reality.

Daniel Thomas said...

Thanks for your contribution. What you have described is what happens when values and systems that have evolved over centuries in a particular country are replaced by inferior imported ones.

As you describe, these often use alien religions as a guide. When that religion is as anti-civilisation as Islam there is bound to be havoc.

I'm loath to say it but the political class are determined to impose acceptance of Islam as equal in the developed world so things can only get worse.