Thursday 7 May 2015

This ain't hell, but you can see it from here....................from Rico

If anything convinces me I'm gettin' old and cranky just as well as a look into the mirror, it's stuff like this.
- The car not only "looks" like a car to me (and not a deformed jellybean or an electric shaver going down the road), but the motorcycle "looks" like a motorcycle to me (and not a piece of very bad modern art), and both at prices that "seem" reasonable to me (and not what home mortgages used to be).
In all seriousness, paying nosebleed prices for a ridiculous-looking crappy auto that looks just like every other crappy auto on the road, with not a one of them delivering perfomance or anything else better than the other, is almost like waking up in Hell for a car lover. 
- But I promise not to rant here about motorcycles that look like they were designed by Dali on a bad LSD trip............


Fred Z said...

The bike looks cool, but I had one, and it is just not comparable mechanically to my current SV650.

drew458 said...

Lucky you, these days you can get the Challenger R/T's level of performance in a Toyota Camry. It also stops and corners far better than the old Mopar whale, and gets 31mpg highway.