Tuesday 30 June 2015

If you're grilling on the 4th....................from Rico

A very dear friend called me a "feinschmecker" not very long ago.
- It was a huge compliment.
But hey, life's too short to always eat C-rat's or MRE's [read: mediocre food] so why not enjoy eating well when you can?
If you're grilling on the 4th, as I plan to, here are a few 'hacks' I've run across.
- Cannot claim them as my ideas, but I sure have used them and they work!
Spiral cut hot dogs.
I had to find a website with pictures to illustrate this one. This gives you lots of crisp edges, they hold whatever condiments you use better than a regular dawg, and they 'fit' the bun so you're not eating bun-without-weenie at either end or buying a skinnier-but-longer bun-size dog.
- This works with any sausage, and any weiner (regular, beef, chicken, or turkey), but jumbo size is best for your first try at cutting the spiral.
- I cut mine at a 45 degree angle, rolling the dog as I cut, being sure to use a skewer so I don't cut all the wat through.
Holey Hamburgers.
There is a reason White Castle has a hole in the middle of their hamburgers. They cook faster and more evenly this way, and stay juicier inside.
- Tired of puffed-in-the-center burgers that are either partly raw, or over-cooked at the edge to make sure the center isn't uncooked? Try a flat patty with a nickel-sized hole in the center.
Yellow Mustard and Ketchup with Sriracha.
This kicks the flavor up a notch, and can be as subtle or dramatic tasting as you want.
- I take partly-used squeeze containers of yellow mustard and catsup and merely 'add' from my ever present bottle of Sriracha. Shake vigorously and voila! Delight awaits.
Of course, the buns always get toasted...
Please enjoy your 4th, it's my personal favorite holiday of all.

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