Friday 19 June 2015

The #VRWC Report, The Pay No Attention To The Other Stuff The Pope Said Edition

Liberals are rejoicing because the Coolest Pope Evah! has jumped onto the Globull Warming Climate Change bandwagon. Nevermind all that other stuff he said. That's not important to the cafeteria catholics.

Rutgers University came out with a new study this week, confirming something we all already knew. Underemployment is the dirty little secret of Obama's Potemkin "recovery." Welcome to the party fellas.

Bobby Jindal says what Barack Obama should have said after the tragic events in Charleston, SC this week.

The liberal takeover of academia gets more insidious every year. New guidelines issued for AP US History classes turn everything you learned in high school on its head. Because ethnic identify and victimology is what brought the Pilgrims to these shores, or something.

In the same vein, the New Jersey legislature is set to obfuscate the meaning of the English language as they rewrite hundreds of laws to avoid "offending" the perpetually offended. Good luck with that guys, and don't let the micro-aggression lawsuits ruin your day.

Just when you thought Barack Obama was going to abide by the court ruling that shut down his illegal alien executive amnesty overreach, he's quietly expanding the foreign worker L-1 visa program. And unlike H1-B visas, L-1 visas never expire. They're his DREAMer work permits, on steroids.

Finally for today, we have Our Weasel of the Week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Falklands are British. This pope should stick to Catholicism