Thursday 25 June 2015

Tryanny has become LAW.....................from Rico

[I had to sleep on this, needing to both calm down and tone down how I felt about this. Today I still have to violently agree with Sen Sessions:
"They 'won' the vote, but 'lost' the trust of the people."]
If the unpatriotic "Patriot Act" wasn't enough, or the we-could-care-less "ObamaCare" bum;s rush wasn't, then THIS absolutely "tears it."
- The 'deal' and all bets are now 'off.'
Tyranny has become law, and refusal to obey illegal laws has become duty.
The Republicans sold out once again (no longer surprisng or unexpected), aiding and abetting a coup d'etat by weasels. 
- The former Constitutional Republic is so obviously dead even a blind Marxist can see it. It's now a tin horn, third world, dick-tatorship instead.
Once again Americans have been 'gifted' with something they never asked for, someting they never wanted, or even requested, that imperils them, their wages and jobs, and their personal freedoms.....and is so toxic that it's going to be kept secret from them for 4-5 years after it becomes 'law' unlike ObamaCare which was only secret until it became 'law.'
The venal-corrupt-lying-lawless 'lawmakers' have given everyone a 'new' acronym [MFCSPOS] for the 'same old sh*t' [politicians and Congress].
- And THAT'S what I say after having 'toned it down a lot.

1 comment:

Allen said...

I'd love to get one of those 3percenter badges/medals/whatever..anyone know where it's from?