Wednesday 22 July 2015

Broken Money..............from Rico

This is what a debt-based 'money' can do, and has done, for you.
- Money has been 'broken' and this is Gresham's Law writ large.
Median Income [middle-class].
- Since 1980, it has been better to be middle-class Canadian, French, Australian, Swedish, Spanish, British, or Norwegian than to be a middle-class American. They have ALL outpaced the US.
US Income Growth [1917-2012].
- After 1971, the bottom US 90% stagnated.
- And the top 1%? Well, here is just one explanation why they HATE Gold so much and LOVE a fraudulent debt-based paper currency so much.
After paying proper respects to Congress and Woodrow Wilson for foisting the FED (a privately-owned, for-profit, bank) upon the US in 1913 as their Central Bank, one should not neglect kudos for Richard Milhouse Nixon as well for his vision in 1971.
- The proximity to 1980 on both charts is NOT accidental or unrelated to these two 'public servants' ...ahem, cough-cough!

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