Saturday 18 July 2015

Confusing Mau Mau with Mao Mao...................from Rico

Never the most attentive, or the brightest, student....Barry our faux Kenyan doesn't quite "get it" as usual, and has confused Mau Mau with Mao Mao.
Lucky for him (less lucky for America) the political end result of this dim-witted Communist's Mao Maoing of America has essentially the same nasty effects as Mau Mauing would.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was traveling in China in 2011, I saw lots of those Obama as Mao T-shirts. While I was browsing around the market in Guilin, I bought a few of them each of slightly different design to bring home with me. I wear them to annoy my liberal neighbors. Such joy.