Monday 13 July 2015

Crying Games..................from Rico

There have been open solicitations for "crisis actors" to work for DHS, et al. I have seen them, and have 'trained with' role players in the past.
- It's not a 'new' idea to simulate situations and make training exercises more "realistic" by using such people.
- It makes "sense" right?
Leave it to government to FUBAR things. The folks who have taken Murphy's Law to heart and made it a guidepost appear to have done it again.
- Using the same 'crying woman' in three separate staged events? Yeah, that's typical government. The gal photographed here really gets around, wouldn't you say?
That noted hoaxter, Orson Wells, would NOT be impressed by these clowns for ruining what otherwise would have been a pretty good hoax.

1 comment:

drew458 said...

Her grandmother is Palestinian and Iraqi I think. The one with the two live cartridges in her hand that were shot through her walls?

And of course, all her cousins work in those "The evil Israelis just bombed us" photo shoots. All related to protesting Islamic Rage Boy, with or without his trademark pancake hat.