Friday 3 July 2015

Dear Editor.................from Marshall M

Dear Editor,
Two recent rulings of the United States Supreme Court have sounded the death knell for our Constitutional Republic. The rule of the mob prevails. A mob has no brain, no ability to reason or think and is unwilling to restrain itself. Since 1973, four rulings by the court destroyed the Republic and rule by law. The first was Roe vs. Wade that declared murder legal so long as the crime took place in the womb. The second was a ruling on the Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare, which allows the federal government to force individuals to purchase health care insurance. It is reasonable to assume that if the government can force citizens to purchase one product or service then other products or services can likewise be mandated. It would be no surprise out here in the woods if a national movement is started to force citizens to visit Disney World or purchase a new automobile. If such purchases were ruled to be a legitimate function of government then subsidies similar to the ones for the purchase of healthcare would be in order. After all, the argument would go; everyone is entitled to have what everyone else has. The latest and probably final challenge to ObamaCare ended when the justices ruled that language in the law did not mean what it said. The language stated that federal subsidies could only be paid to individuals who enrolled in ObamaCare via exchanges established in each “State”. There was nothing in the law to compel the States to establish an exchange and thirty-four States did not. The correct ruling would have been the end of ObamaCare but, thanks to the left wing political activist sitting on the court, the atrocity is alive and well. By declaring that the law meant the “state” which with a small “s” would have meant the federal government not the “S” as it was written, which meant the individual States. The new “Supreme Court of the United States Care” has been re-interpreted by the SCOTUS which is not what they are supposed to do. Their job is to rule on law not rewrite it which is what they have done in this case. Our supreme court is now completely out of control and we have to find a way to solve this problem. The final blow to the Republic was the redefining of marriage. The Constitution says nothing about marriage. Thus, there is nothing on which the court justices could rule. Marriage is ordained by God. Advocates for same-sex marriage have defied God. Marriage is a religious issue. Government had no business being involved in the institution but now, God has been rendered irrelevant in the affairs of our shameless government. What all this means is that the basic founding principle of America, such as the rights of the individuals who believe that unnatural acts against nature and things going against the word of GOD no longer mean anything. Along with the elimination of those believers’ individual rights, the states have been deprived of the authority to make law. Now there is only one government, one loyalty, one ruler. Life in America is now controlled by a handful of people in Washington, DC. America was born out of rebellion against too much government and the authority of the ruling elite but over the last few decades that has been eroded. We have now returned to exactly what the original patriots fought against. Beware! The next and final target of the progressives is the elimination of organized religion. There is already a push to remove the tax free status of churches. This is the first step and if that ever takes place you can count on the next step being “traditional” worship services of Christians and Jews alike becoming illegal. The almighty church of government will soon be established all across the land and no person or group of persons will be able to stand against this corrupt, almighty government. Stand up America because the peace, freedom and tranquility that we have known in the past are quickly being taken away! Sam Rawlins

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