Monday 6 July 2015

Differences......................from Rico

I used the 4th to reflect upon what America 'once was' and what it is now becoming.
- Just like the political parties of Truman and Ike are no longer what they 'once were' but now resemble the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks of the early Communist Party instead.
So when I ran across this [the 'difference between' attachment] it resonated that what college degrees 'used to' mean, and what they mean today are indeed VERY different critters.
- For quite some time now the standing joke has been "Q: How do you get a Liberal Arts graduate off your porch? A: Pay for the pizza."
And while a HS diploma 'was' THE journeyman's card allowing complete participation in the American dream, it sure isn't anymore. Not by a long shot for today's kids. Under a social welfare regime of really crappy education and 'free' EBT handouts, well....good luck keeping them off your porch.
- This isn't the nation we once knew, and here is one of the reasons why.....

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