Wednesday 8 July 2015

Two messages..................from Rico

Two messages today. One intended. One unintended.
In many ways, today was just another typical day of 'rigging' and 'manipulating'
...only more so...on the precious metals spot market COMEX aka CRIMEX.
There was a massive raid.
- 'Someone' decided it was a perfect moment to 'dump' over a $ billion worth of notional Gold onto the market all at once.
- And Silver was monkey-hammered to a $14 handle.
The intended 'message' from the system to the dirt lumps was:
- Greece? Puerto Rico? China? The EU? The US? No worries! Keep your money IN the system, everything is fine. Do NOT cash-out your market portfolios. Keep your money IN the bank. And above all else do NOT buy precious metals or Bitcoin. [Molars audibly grinding.]
The unintended 'message from the system was:
- OMFG! Panic! [profuse sweating and the stench of fear.] When fiat becomes a meaningless reference point, the Dollar-Yen-Euro will have completely 'lost' any value, unolie precious metals. Having 'moved' from a 3-to-1 short position to parity with precious metals may not have happened soon enough, or been enough for us. Things are unwinding faster than we expected them to. Damned derivatives! Good thing we have "bail-in" laws in place.

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