Sunday 30 August 2015

Ignorance is bliss..................from Rico

Ignorance may be bliss, but if you are a permanently aggrieved 'victim' it remains ignorance nevertheless.
- Then there is willful ignorance.
IGNORANCE. Starting with Louis Farrakhan and ending with every black American Muslim, they all seem ignorant of the fact that it was the Muslim slave traders that 'sold' Africans (well, sold anybody they could, including whites) into slavery in the first place.
- Slavery still exists and remains legal in the Muslim world.
- Even today, in Arabic, Muslims refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves."
IGNORANCE. It was white people who ended slavery in the West.
- The British Royal Navy was working hard at eradicating slavery long before John Brown came along in America.
WILLFUL IGNORANCE. The "social just-us" criminals [the NAACP, Black Panthers, Je$$e Jacka$$, Calypso Louie, Tawana Sharpton, and their chairman Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro] who have been stridently calling for the death of white people, and white cops in particular, have been completely silent about the assassination of  white Texas Deputy.

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