Friday 7 August 2015

It says a LOT without................from Rico

It says a LOT, without actually saying it aloud.
Think about it:
- The DNC is delaying their debates until October.
- There is a move afoot among Dem's (C) for the Starbucks CEO.
- Many Dem's (C) actually think Joe is a better candidate than Hitlery.
While Her Marxist Filthiness's "coronation" has been assumed for a long time, there could yet be a few wrinkles in the run-up to the next "scripted" Presidential election.
- What a horrible, and horribly weak, 'bench' they have to offer.
Any non-politician chosen at random would make a far better candidate than the ones being 'considered' by the people who know better than you what you 'need' and what is 'good' for you.

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