Monday 3 August 2015

Some Jews Fight For Us, Others Against Us...............from Dan Friedman

[There is no more corrosive force in Judaism than the Reform sect. Working from inside, these unJews aim to destroy us spiritually and physically. Now that we have a (Democratic) president who, with malice aforethought, has put Israel and the Jews in Iran’s crosshairs, these outliers haven’t skipped a beat – attempting to reprise the abandonment of our people during the Holocaust (Heaven Forbid!).
If any “Reform Jew” out there loves the Jewish people and our Jewish state, you are sitting in the wrong place on Saturday morning. Claiming your “rabbi” is different is no longer enough. The so-called Reform movement is rotten from the top! Becoming unaffiliated would be preferable to being a partner in their religious racketeering. Better still, find a genuine Rabbi online or in your neighborhood. I guarantee you will be welcomed with open arms, plus a large portion of unvarnished truth. The time to fish or cut bait has arrived. Stay a dues-paying member of a renegade religious cult or nurture the spark of Judaism still flickering inside you before the erev rav puts it out. We can no longer have it both ways. Good or bad. Our nemesis in the White House or Our Creator in Heaven. Pick a side. df]
(LA), 7/30/15
A recent community-wide email from The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles opposing the Iranian nuclear deal has been met with strong — and opposing — reactions.

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