Monday 31 August 2015

The permanent lie...........from Rico

Well, it's 'permanent' until it is not.
The COMEX options expiry for precious metals (Gold and Silver) saw the same-old, same-old gaming the system by the bankers.
- This didn't mean a clean getaway into the traditional strong season for the metals. Not by a long shot.
Anyone who watched the routine 'morning hit' on Gold and Silver today may well have wondered WTF? Here's what:
- LBMA options expire today, Mon 31 Aug.
- OTC contracts expire today, Mon 31 Aug.
= Gold and Silver need to be 'kneecapped' until 01 Sep.
"The permanent lie has become the only safe form of existence."
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
"For now."
- Me


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