Saturday 3 October 2015

NFP Friday. Again...................from Rico

Non Farm Payroll Friday is starting to seem like the movie starring Bill Murray called "Groundhog Day."
We can all expect the same reality-avoiding government propaganda BS from the BLS designed to mask a deteriorating economy later today.
Whether they 'say' unemployment is five-point-whatever or five-point-something else, the reality for the record number of non-participants in the labor force [read: don't have a job] of a non-massaged unemployment rate near 23% means there are a lot of people who know who is lying.
The ranks of the unemployed have increased by quite a few former living-wage workers from these twenty companies this year, and I'm sure they'll cheer the rosy NFP report along with the other 92-93 million of their fellow former taxpayers.
Welcome to "Wreckovery 2015"...............

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