Saturday 17 October 2015

Yorktown undone?...................from Rico

At the surrender of Cornwallis to Washington at Yorktown, the tune "The World Turned Upside Down" was played.
The Department of Justice has 'undone' Yorktown and become the Department of inJustice under the current regime.
- These assholes call returning veterans and anyone who would resist tyranny "terrorists."
The Founding Fathers, and a remaining few today, follow John Locke's concept of "universal rights" and believe that the right to resist unlawful authority is something that cannot is is not granted by any government (that would make it a privilege and not a right) and means that when injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

1 comment:

Mark Matis said...

And it is your local "Law Enforcement" who sit elbow-to-elbow with them at your neighborhood Fusion Center, filling out files on every gun-hugging, Bible-thumping vet who believes in the Constitution.

Thank your local pigs, for without THEM, the DoJ couldn't do jack shiite.