Sunday 19 November 2017

Diversity and Cultural Enrichment....................from Rico

This pic of a Nile Canal full of garbage could have been taken by me decades ago when I was there and saw this for myself, except there was also a dead donkey half-in the water where I was.
- This photo could have been taken 100 years ago too, but it was taken this month.
Yet, despite "progressives" being able to explain WHY 'diversity' and 'cultural enrichment' are good things, they persist in spouting their drivel.
- These people have NOT changed one iota in over 1400 years, but Merkel and her 'no borders' cronies openly pursue their insane policies...and yet their 'subjects' aren't running amok in the streets in protest, only the savages 'culturally enriching' our lives are. WTF?

1 comment:

jwenting said...

Typo there, should be:

Yet, despite "progressives" NOT being able to explain WHY 'diversity' and 'cultural enrichment' are good things, they persist in spouting their drivel.