Sunday 28 January 2018

2018 State of the Union Speculation......................from Rico

There is some speculation over the upcoming 2018 State of the Union speech that Trump will give.
- Many have opined that he should read "the memo" but it may have been released to the public beforehand, despite frantic attempts by Traitors, Communists, and Democrats [redundancy unavoidable] to keep it hidden from the public. For their own good, of course.
On the other hand, the Leftard response is already scripted and absolutely predictable.
- Crazy Maxine will give the Democrat (C) response, and the Hollyweirdo's promise entertainment as well.

1 comment:

Mark Matis said...

My bet is that the viewership for Maxine's soliloquy makes it the top program for BET this year. And maybe even for all time. Nielsen's for the hives will show over 100% watching. And not just for the Black "households"...