Monday 25 February 2019

Pathetic...Ole Miss 'takes a knee'...............from Rico

This a word...pathetic.
- It is also evidence that some people are too stoopid to evah go to college. Reminds me of the old joke "shouldermapads"...just a collegiate basketball version.
Ole Miss basketmaball players 'take a knee' before a game.
- It's not racist no note the pigmentation of the 'not kneelers' and the 'kneegrows' in the photo.
It's a safe bet that nary a one of them has any vague idea what they are 'protesting' while getting the opportunity to attend the fine institution at Oxford, playing basketball on its team...and last but not least, a yuge opportunity for a profe$$ional contract.
- 'Entitled' a$$holes...
PS - It was one of the highlights of my life to watch my son play LaCrosse for Ole Miss. They were too busy playing competitively to stop and stupidly kneel like they were 'entitled' to something...just sayin'...


Mark Matis said...

Why the surprise? Do you not understand by now that chimps gonna chimp? After all, that IS their fourth world "culture"...

doverthere...UM74 said...

Do some research. Counter protesting a Confederate Rally on campus
Saturday. Nothing to do with NFL protest.