Saturday 14 October 2023

Grilled Juicy Lucy for a Fall day.................from Rico

 As the verdant Summer of Appalachia changes to hues of Fall, and overnight temp's once again test the 30'sF, it is likely this seasonal change that reminded me of (and made me hunger for) the famous "Juicy Lucy" Minneapolis hamburger that Matt's Bar and the 5-8 Club still contest the creation of (effectively an inside-out cheeseburger)...

long story short I built one and grilled it out back. Words cannot express...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What in the heck is a nominally Brit blog doing talking about a couple of Minneapolis low-rent bars? Being a former Minneapolitan though, I gotta weigh in.

Much as I loved the 5-8 Club in my ill-spent yute (about the only place that would serve under-aged 3.2-beer), I believe it was Matts that came up with the Juicy Lucy. I stopped going there when Cedar Avenue got a lot more dangerous.

I haven't been to the 5-8 for a long time, but that's mostly 'cause I moved to Wyoming. I'm NEVER going back to the vast sinkhole of collectivism that is now the Twin Shitties.