Tuesday 28 November 2023

Clown World Told You Up Front ..................from Rico

 No one can say 'they never told us' ...Clown World has always been very open and up front about their intentions as well as the utter contempt they hold for their serfs and vassals.

- One of their luminaries, Kissinger no less, was even bold enough to say the quiet part out loud.


Not their fault or problem that nobody listened or paid them any attention, righty oh and eh wot?



Staggering death toll only eclipsed by staggering Clown World dumbassery!

- UKR TV channel 1+1 just slipped and released the actual UKR number of fatalities in the US-NATO provoked Russo proxy war: 1,126,652 KIA/MIA.


Take a deep breath and consider that this number exceeds the total currently serving on active duty in the US military (Army-Navy-Air Force-Marines) this is the epic result of Clown World's historic wrong headedness.


Now that the 40# brains of Clown World have doubled-down on stupid [read: pulled the plug on Ukraine to pursue another misguided priority] do we begin to hear the utter defeat of Ukraine bleeding through the "Ghost of Kiev" wall of propaganda.


It has all been a LIE.

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