Tuesday 27 February 2024

You Will Own Nothing ......from Rico

It's not as if they haven't been telling us... gloatingly I might add...you will own nothing. - The details have been shared with us. The devil is in the details. Laws have been/are being 'changed' stripping security owners of their property rights and giving them instead "security entitlements" making investors unsecured creditors. [read: in the event of a failure unsecured creditors are last in line to be paid, if paid at all.] Sound far-fetched? Years ago the brilliant investor Jim Sinclair was warning anyone who would listen to GOTS (Get Out of The System). - His warning about 'street registration' and Cede & Co went unheeded by most. Short version: In the event of a failure electronic shares are 'owned' by Cede & Co and NOT the investor (unless the investor holds named physical share certificates, extremely rare today). Almost concurrent with this (ref infra) Banking Laws were 'changed.' - Depositors no longer own their money. Upon deposit it becomes the Bank's money and the depositor becomes an unsecured creditor of the Bank. [read this twice: in the event of a failure unsecured creditors are last in line to be paid, if paid at all.]

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