Tuesday 24 September 2024

If TPTB Say So .................from Rico

 NOT that anyone would have ANY reason to censor/suppress the 'science' [read: Nothing to see here. Move along!]


A published STUDY Autopsy data shows Covid injections contributed to 73.9% of all deaths in the World.

cite: Forensic Science International

21 Jun 2024

"A systematic Review of Autopsy Findings for Deaths After Covid-19 Vaccination"

ISSN" 0379-0378, pg 112115

publ yr 2024


Note: Removed by Lancet; July 8, 2024

Templeton Times


Rmks: Try and 'find' that study anywhere. The original .pdf has been "disappeared"  for some odd reason, and we're officially told it was incorrect.


Sure. IF you say so, you've not LIED about anything else related to this topic yet!

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