
Friday, 20 December 2024

Promises, promises!!! .........from Rico

This is priceless!

The Clowns in CONgress [all Dem's, many RINO's] are doing their best to scare America with a ...gasp...Government Shut Down!*

WHO at this point is stupid enough to take this as a bad thing, especially after the last four years of abuse and bullshit from

GO AHEAD! SHUT IT DOWN...before we the people have to do it for you!!!


 *Dunning-Kruger is daily on display in .Gov!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Took some time yesterday and called all of my congresscritters and reps in Washington. I told them the grass roots/boots on the ground buzz is..."SHUT IT DOWN". I did it respectfully. All of the weenies that work for the legislatures seemed to understand the veracity of my words.