
Sunday, 2 February 2025

DEI: Faking it doesn't make it in reality .................from Rico

 Interesting how the actual identity of the Army pilot was slow-walked while disinformation was spread (buying time to tie-off loose ends, cover stuff up?), be mindful that NOTHING was organic or spontaneous under the past regime...EVERYTHING was witting, willful, and intentional, including accepting incompetence in exchange for party loyalty & obedience.

- With loyal Obamunists still lurking in the swamp, it is not an unreasonable thought to see a reversion to the habitual 'good old ways' on their part.


Now the latest version is that the Army Pilot was a former Biden White House Aide, a Lesbian DEI advocate, and 'partner.' 

- Of course, since meritocracy was the LAST thing to enter the minds of the past ruling junta (which was untethered from reality and unburdened by truth) it is unsurprising to learn 'she' was a half mile off course and flying at the wrong altitude (around 300 feet where there was a CAP of 200 feet max).


Nope, nothing to do with DEI to see here, now move along.

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