Sunday 19 April 2009

San Francisco Police Dept. (The Keystone Cops)

Chief Heather Fong (left), the first SFPD female chief of police;

Theresa Sparks (center, former male), president of the San Francisco Police Commission, CEO of a multi million-dollar sex toy retailer, and a trans gender woman.

Sgt. Stephan Thorne (right, former female), the first transgender SFPD police officer.

Their Representative in the U. S. Congress is Nancy Pelosi.

H/T Shelly


Prodicus said...

You crack me up with your totally incredible ideas. Thank God none of them could possibly happen in the real world.

Anonymous said...

Prodicus, Actually, I live here and just verified that these statements are in fact true and these people pictured are publicly stated as listed here, trans-gendered.

Unknown said...

Thank someone that this is in fact true so we can try to be just a bit more accepting!

compugor said...

Too bad we're not more accepting of God's word.

Unknown said...

The real question is whether or not these individuals are capable of performing the necessary duties (intellectually and physiologically) that are required of all police officers. If so then who gives a damn about their perversions. We all have our own little secrets; they just had the balls and vaginas to let it all out...then again the social bubble of san francisco promotes and celebrates these choice so it's not very shocking. I just can't imagine wanting to be a chubby mustachioed cop; that is odd to me even if you started out life as a man.