Sunday 19 April 2009

Thanks Janet!!! THANKS Team Obama!!!!!......from Rico

Thank you so very much Janet Napolitano for clarifying that I AM a gun-clinging, illegal-immigrant hating, non-lesbian-who-hasn't-had-an-abortion.*

The attached cartoon sums up how this white, male, hetero, combat vet, who LOVES the U.S. Constitution as it is written feels about being slandered as a "terrorist threat" by you grotesque, smug, arrogant, Communist-loving ( get the idea here) Team Obama assholes!

I am NOT looking forward to a generation of oppression and KGB/Gestapo-like tactics like denormalization, slander, divide-and-rule, taxation, intimidation, media manipulation, and behavior that would make Stalin blush in shame.

*Yes, I am still trying to figure out how a lesbian can end up with an "unwanted" pregnancy despite having cracked-the-code on the rest of your manifesto and program.

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