Wednesday 12 August 2009


His inspired thought process led to the creation the of the F-16 - the most maneuverable fighter ever designed, an ideal all-purpose fighter bomber, and by 2009 - 39 years after its debut - still serving in the inventory of twenty-five air forces around the world.

He never made General because he was too busy telling the truth . . . people hate it when you do that . . . -S.L.

Colonel John Boyd - a fighter pilot without any combat kills - went on to become the most influential military strategist of our time. His philosophies influenced modern maneuver warfare doctrine, and he is credited with inspiring Schwarzkopf's brilliant Gulf War victory in 1991.

Read about the fighter jock who became our modern-day equivalent of Sun Tzu - STORMBRINGER SENDS


Unknown said...

40 second Boyd had no combat skills!!!
Guys fix this mistake.

Daniel Ford said...

40 second Boyd had no combat skills

No combat kills--yes, that's a fact, and one that is often overlooked by folks who call him the country's greatest fighter pilot. I'm not sure you can be a great fighter pilot, as traditionally understood, unless your skills have been tested in real as opposed to mock combat.

None of that is to deny that he was by all accounts a good stick and a master of psychological oneupsmanship. And arguably the greatest American strategical thinker since Alfred Thayer Mahan. More about all this in my dissertation about Boyd's thinking and how it can be applied to the wars against terrorism. Blue skies! -- Dan Ford

Roy Lofquist said...

It matters not that he had no combat kills. He is the Godfather of a lot of them.

Bob Hawkins said...

He invented a martial art, based on a discipline as deep and abstruse as any Eastern philosophy, namely thermodynamics.

KG said...

"It matters not that he had no combat kills. He is the Godfather of a lot of them."
You bet! He's been a longtime hero of mine and his contribution to the Marine's warfighting doctrine alone earns him a seat at the table of the "greats". Just ask any Marine officer.
And in *** we used his OODA loop theory to devastating effect. (the OODA loop, for those who don't know allows one to get inside the enemy's decision cycle).