Monday 20 September 2010

Becoming the next Zimbabwe.......from Rico

Looking at the Arms of the country formerly known as Rhodesia (pre-1980 for graduates of government-run schools) I am reminded of the old FDR-era joke:

"The Lord spoke to Moses and said pick up your shovels, mount your asses, and lead your camels and I will show you the Promised Land...; later FDR spoke to the people and said lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel because this IS the Promised Land!"

Rhodesia was once very much like the Promised Land, but by the efforts of the people unfettered by the Government,.

Then came Robert Mugabe and Socialism.
- The efforts of the people are subsumed to the Government.

Compare the Arms of 'old' Rhodesia and of the 'new' Zimbabwe.
- The miner's pick has been dropped, and the Red Star of Socialism (symbolizing an equal society) has been added...
.....and it looks very much to me like in place of the pick we are being 'flipped off' (given the finger).

In very few years the Country and its people have been financially ruined, but Socialism HAS made everyone there a Trillionaire many times over.
- Worthless Trillions mind you, but 'whee' they're all equally rich!

Our Kenyan Muslim Socialist is changing us and leading the way over the cliff of Socialism.
- Bet you can't hardly wait to be a Trillionaire yourself, huh?

Zimbabwe-Socialist-Hyperinflation looked like this: (year x annual rate-of-price-increases)
- 1999 56.9
- 2000 55.22
- 2001 112.1
- 2002 198.93
- 2003 598.75
- 2004 132.75
- 2005 585.84
- 2006 1,281
- 2007 66,212.3
- 2008 231,150,888.87 as of July...beyond this time the calculators froze and the US Gov't had labeled Zimbabwe a "Failed State"
- 2009 the 100 Trillion Z-Dollar notes are introduced
- 2010 game over - don't go there on holiday

As Winston Churchill famously said of Socialism: "...the inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of misery."

And we CAN have this type of Socialism [read: misery] here!
- Our Dear Reader is helping us to become the next Zimbabwe [read: change you can believe in]


PacRim Jim said...

The good news is that the U.S. would be able to pay off its national debt with pocket change. What could go wrong?

Anonymous said...

Smith was right.

Anonymous said... ain't seen nothin' yet.