Saturday 19 February 2011

You can't touch this!!...........from Rico

C'mon Ben & Barry!

Grab your parachute pants out of the closet and prance a few 'victory laps' around Jimmy Carter's record while singing "You Can't Touch This" to the M.C. Hammer song!!!!!!

Jimmuh HAS to be green with envy! His four years of 'stagflation' simply cannot 'touch' plumb the depths, actually of what you boys have achieved in only TWO years!!!

Inflation? Nawwwwww....say it ain't SO.
- Cotton is UP in price about 1% for every day into 2011 so far, and it's UP 95% from Sept 2010. Annualized, the YTD increase is 1,512%! Nope, no inflation here. Nobody here except us "progressive" Keynesian chickens!

Here are a few more non-inflationary bits for you to consider:
- Unemployment is close to 25%
- Food stamp use is UP 35%
- Gas is UP 69%
- Corn is UP 98% [huzzah ethanol]
- sugar is up 164%

Even the 'dimwitted-but-well-meaning' Peanut Farmer couldn't do took an imbecile Marxist Community Organizer!

The best is yet to come though folks, so stick around for what's just ahead. If you 'liked' Carter, you're just gonna 'LOVE' Barry's next act!

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