
Saturday 14 April 2012

Video: We Remember...........

Country music recording artist Dwayne O'Brien performed his song "We Remember" at the annual convention of the International Council of Air Shows last December in Las Vegas, Nevada. And he produced this video to be projected on the screens behind him while he sang. We hope that you'll share this link widely with friends and family who appreciate America's aviation legacy and all that our country's airborne warriors have done to defend our country. Many thanks to Dwayne O'Brien for both performing his wonderful song and producing this moving video.

Found at Broadside Blog

H/T DJ Elliott

Buy it here

1 comment:

PacRim Jim said...

Seeing old me reunited with their youth was quite moving. Most of us today have no idea of the extent of sacrifice by previous generations.

A suggestion: since America is for all of us average Joes and Janes, I would like to see at least one Tuskegee airman in the video. All sacrificed and deserve recognition.