Thursday 21 June 2012

Unexpected vs. Expected...............from Rico

The Financial Media uses the word "unexpected" a lot. It's as if they think that the drumbeat of bad economic news won't seem as "bad" if they preface housing prices, unemployment, GDP or whatever the fiasco du jour is with "unexpected" if anyone believes they "expected" good news from the ongoing economic train wreck we witness daily.

Here is something they NEVER preface with "expected" although they should....the so-routine-as-to-be-boring paper raids on the COMEX to drive bullion spot prices down around key events (like the monthly FOMC meeting, for one example, COMEX expiry dates for another). Anyone who cares to can 'mark' their calendar months in advance with [raid - FOMC, or raid - CRIMEX expiry] and be correct ad nauseum.
- Today's paper 'smackdown' was thus quite predictable AND "expected" (attached is a perfect example), and the "game" to convince the retail investors (a.k.a. the dumb money, and/or muppets) that physical bullion is 'bad' and that today's Fool's Gold (paper fiat) is 'good' continues as regularly scheduled. Yawn...

Look at the price of Gold Bullion and how it behaved in the Weimar period.
- Essentially flat during deflationary collapse, then parabolic during inflationary collapse. Do you suppose the Central Bankers and their proxies then, as they do now, suppressed the price action to delay/stall for a bit more 'time' for the magic unicorn to somehow save them (or, as the cynic in me suggests, to position themselves to front-run what they certainly 'knew' was coming and Devil-take-the-hindmost [read: the dumb money]?

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